Tuesday, October 18, 2011


If you're not familiar with "infertility lingo" the TWW stands for "the two week wait".  Which is the two weeks following ovulation, or in our case an embryo transfer.  We just completed our 2nd round of IVF and we're waiting to find out the results.  At the end of the TWW you will know if you're pregnant...or not.  As for right now I am 9dp3dt.  Also more lingo.  Which means I'm 9 days past 3 day transfer.  Our embryos were three days old and that's when they transferred them back.  Since then 9 days have passed.  They ask you wait 14 until you test. 

Let me tell ya...2 weeks is WAY TOO LONG!  For a woman who's been trying to conceive for two years the next five days seem excruciating.  I honestly just want to know.  Our doctor transferred three embryos which is one more than the normal for someone my age.  But they weren't the "best looking embryos" as he said.  So in that case, the more the merrier!  We want some babies cookin!  For a little science lesson here is a picture of my babies.  Aren't they cute?!

So it's kind of hard to see but the one in the far upper right hand corner is the best.  The cells within the embryo are the same size and it is not fragmented.  When the cells divide sometimes they leave fragments like the one in the bottom left.  That one is the worst and is fragmented pretty badly.  Which brings me to my third pride and joy the middle child.  This embryo is "okay" not too much fragmenting but the cells are uneven in size.  And those two eggs that don't have any cells were not mature enough to fertilize.

And this is why our doctor put all three back in hopes that one of theses little babies would work.  So as you can see the waiting is torture!  We're praying very fervently along side a very close knit support group of family and friends that #2 is our time!  Very interestingly enough God gave me a verse a year and a half ago which was Hebrews 10:23 which you see at the top of my blog.  Well, in God's sense of humor way we are to find out if we're expecting on 10/23. 

God is good.  I'm praying expectantly for our little miracle or maybe even miracles :).  Here's to the next few days.  I'll keep you updated.

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