As I look back on the past three years of trying to have kids, fertility treatments, IVF, multiple miscarriages and adoption, I realize one thing. It has been hard, but it can always be worse. Reading other women's blogs about loss, stillbirth, or finding out their children are born with cancer, has grounded me. Maybe the Lord spared Scott and I from the unimaginable that these couples have faced. Did losing four of our children early on in our pregnancies suck? Ummm yes. But in choosing miscarriage over the loss of a child, there's no comparison. I'm realizing that while I am "infertile" and we don't know the future, that I am blessed with what I have.
This is my reality. Adoption is beautiful and infertility is hard. But someday, hopefully soon, we will grow as a family. And in the mean time we will celebrate the beauty of our life now. We have love and faith. We still have hope. Those things are priceless.